Friday, June 25, 2010

The Mike Stories, Pt. 2

Mike likes to "clean" the apartment sometimes. to the innocent observer, he does a great job. he picks things up, does the dishes, takes out the trash, cleans the kitchen... he even cleaned the bathroom mirror & swept the balcony!...

...but what the innocent observer wouldn't notice is that Mike also loses things in the process. he loses weird things, too. like for example, he "cleaned" the apartment on friday, and today when i finally got to making the labels for the wine favors, i couldn't find the labels or the cd containing the photos for the labels. i remembered where i had left them, but they weren't there anymore. instead a newspaper and a stack of programs were in that spot. so i asked Mike if he had seen the cd.

he asked "what cd?"

i explained to him that it was the cd with our engagement photos on it, and it was in a paper sleeve... i showed him an example of what it would look like, even!

he said he didn't remember. then he "found" the cd by his feet. (imagine that).

then i told him i was also looking for the labels for the wine favors. he starts rifling through random papers and such... and i told him they were in packages, not loose... and that they were with the cd last time i saw them. i even pointed to the spot where they were when i left the house on friday....

nothing helped. he hadn't kept them together when he put them on the floor (mind you, they did not start out on the floor. they were not on the floor so they wouldn't get messed up when i left on friday)

i finally found them mixed in with some photo paper that i had been using last week. i definitely hadn't put them anywhere near photo paper last week. and they were really mixed in, too.

so what should have taken 5 minutes at most, if Mike had left the wedding stuff where i had put it... or kept the cd and labels together, or at the very least remembered where he had hidden the stuff... the whole process took like an hour. i have 4 more days to get this stuff done! he's driving me crazy! i don't have time to hunt for wedding stuff like it's Easter!

(i wonder if he has a secret blog somewhere where he discusses his latest plans to frustrate me)....

[originally published 7/22/2008]

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