Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Mike Stories, Pt. 12: Pillow Talk Exclusive

Last night at approximately 11pm:
Mike: I'm closing my eyes now. that means you can't see me anymore!
Me: I think you're confusing us again, because I can still see you. You're the one who can't see!
Mike: no you can't!
Me: yes I can!
Mike: no you can't!
Me: [poke] yes I can!
Mike: hey! you can't see me!
Me: yes I can!
Mike: hmmmph! no you can't!

(5 minutes later)

Me: [poke] I still see you!
Mike: [laughing] no you don't!
Me: yes I do!
Mike: no you don't!
Me: no, it doesn't work that way. when you close your eyes, everybody else can still see you. you're not invisible.
Mike: yes I am!
Me: no you're not!
Mike: yes I am!
Me: I hear a Mike Story coming on!
Mike: [laughing] you should call it Mike Stories: Pillow Talk Exclusive!