Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Mike Stories, Pt. 15

Today on the drive home from Hermiston, OR, I was reading What To Expect: Eating Well When You're Expecting. I'm trying to get a jump start on eating right before I become pregnant. While in the car, I got to the section on weight gain, which outlined how much weight women should expect to gain, depending on their personal situation, the rate they should gain the weight, and so on. A part of that section breaks down where all of that weight goes. a certain amount to the baby itself, a certain amount to the placenta, the uterus, extra blood and fluids, etc. Please enjoy the following conversation we had in the car at this point in my reading! ;)

Me: holy crap!
Mike: what?
Me: when I get pregnant, I'm going to gain two pounds in my boobs!
Mike: wow!
Me: that's a lot! TWO pounds! to my BOOBS! That's a pound per boob!
Mike: yes, that's a lot!
Me: (finally looking up out of the book and up at Mike) oh. my. god. just look at the big fat grin on your face!
Mike: I'm not grinning! (still grinning)
Me: yes you are!
Mike: no I'm not! (still grinning)
Me: yes you are! it's because you're thinking about my enormous boobs when you knock me up!
Mike: No I'm not! (even bigger grin)
Me: you are too! you have a giant, ear to ear grin on your face!
Mike: do not! (still grinning)
Me: liar! I can SEE it!
Mike: oh. (still grinning)

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