Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Mike Stories, Pt. 13

Mike has recently taken a strong interest in The Mike Stories, and has even tried to influence them (which seems kind of redundant, since they are about him).

First, Mike took Spanish Mike to the next level, by giving him his very own facebook page. (connect to Spanish Mike here). As you would expect, Spanish Mike only posts in Spanish. The first thing Mike did after creating a page for Spanish Mike is as follows:

Mike: Spanish Mike's relationship status is "complicated"
Me: Yeah, I know. Pat thinks that's really funny.
Mike: yeah... well, you should facebook divorce regular Mike, so you can facebook marry Spanish Mike, since it won't let you have 2 relationships.
Me: how about no.
Mike: but!! you should!!
Me: how about this: when we renew our vows in Vegas, we'll do it in Spanish... then I'll think about it.
Mike: will you wear one of those Spanish skirts?
Me: do I get a Spanish speaking Elvis to officiate?

then he wanted to know if I was reading Spanish Mike's page. I told him I don't speak Spanish. Then he told me I should copy/paste it into Google Translate. I told him that he should seriously just translate for me if he wants to tell me something.

Next up, Mike wanted to help create the title for Pt. 12 (see previous entry)... and most recently he has been trying to promote his own fame. We went out with Marilee & Shane over the weekend to SAM to see the Warhol & Kurt exhibits before they ended, and (since we were meeting Shane for the first time), I mentioned to Mike that he would be meeting someone for the very first time who had known of him first via The Mike Stories. Thinking this was extraordinarily cool, Mike told me that The Mike Stories need a facebook fan page. (he tells me he needs fans). dare I tell him that all of his fans are really my fans, since you're all enjoying Mike through my perspective? figuring i might as well indulge his self interest, you can 'like' The Mike Stories on facebook here. check it out, pass it on, and befriend Spanish Mike while you're at it.

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