Friday, July 9, 2010

The Mike Stories, Pt. 12

Mike has progressively gotten worse about his cell phone. There was a time not too long ago, when he had a normal phone that he actually had with him on a regular basis. I even remember him sending me sweet cell phone photos when he would go hiking after work, like pictures of daisies because he knows I like them, and pictures of the sunsets.

Then Mike discovered Verizon Dave. Verizon has an app you can use for GPS driving directions. Considering Mike's total lack of a sense of direction, Verizon Navigator was the best thing ever for Mike. (You can choose the voice, and the different voices have names. He went with one called Dave, and we called him Verizon Dave. we even considered addressing a Christmas card to Verizon Dave)

But then Spanish Mike got ahold of Verizon Dave and changed the voice to a Spanish speaking girl voice. That definitely messed with Mike's sense of direction, but on the other hand probably helped with the Spanish learning. (it was also kind of funny).

I suspect it's also Spanish Mike's fault that Mike got rid of the Verizon phone altogether and got one of the cheap pre-paid phones through another company. Then Spanish Mike discovered some service through Google, and swapped out his phone number for that, which is supposed to forward all calls to a phone of your choice. the theory is that it can send your calls to your desk phone during the day at work, and to your cell or home phone in the evening and weekends... or at least i think that's supposed to be the idea. Spanish Mike isn't too big on explanations.

The problem with all of this is that although Mike does have a crappy cell phone without directions.... he never takes it with him. it's always left at home, hiding in the bathroom or under the bed. Every time I have tried to call him in the past 2+ months, it's gone to voicemail. it's totally annoying.

I tried to call Mike tonight to ask him to pick up some stuff to throw on the BBQ for dinner on his way home, so neither of us would have to leave the house again. Naturally I heard his phone ringing about 15 ft away from me when I tried to call him. (big surprise).

Maybe an hour after that, Mike walked in with a bag full of groceries - including a bunch of stuff to BBQ for dinner tonight! Maybe Spanish Mike doesn't need a phone because he can read my mind!

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