Monday, February 28, 2011

The Mike Stories, Pt. 24

Me: I'm hungry. What should we have for dinner? I have another frozen pizza in there...
Mike: eh. (accompanied by a disappointed look)
Me: You don't seem happy about that?
Mike: I'm trying to eat healthy, remember?
Me: Great! You're turn then - what's for dinner??
Mike: hmph! FROZEN PIZZA!
Me: (laughing) That's going in the Mike Stories!
Mike: (also laughing) You're funny!
Me: No - YOU'RE funny!!

(after several minutes)

Mike: so, I bought a shower curtain liner for the upstairs bathroom... because it's been like 2 years (he means the guest room bathroom that we rarely use)
Me: cool
Mike: so we can get an outer one in any color
Me: get like a fabric one you mean?
Mike: yeah, so I was thinking if it's just an outer one and it's fabric, that wouldn't be that hard because it's basically like a sheet...
Me: you mean make it? because I'm not sewing anything.
Mike: oh. yeah, well we can buy it too....
Me: does this need to go in the Mike Stories too?
Mike: (gives me a look like he's trying to fight the urge to say yes) ;)

**the above conversation is an excellent example of how Mike starts explaining things from somewhere in the middle, and I get to try to read his mind.

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