Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Mike Stories, Pt. 32

Mexican Edition: Spanish Mike & the Quest for Tequila

on Wednesday, we planned to go to the tequila distillery and then the Pacifico brewery. What better than a day of alcoholic beverages on vacation in Mexico, right? We didn't know what to expect, except that relying on Mike's Spanish was likely to take us on a tour of the bars of Mazatlan before landing us at the tequila factory.

so after breakfast, Mike asked our waiter if he knew how we could get to the tequila factory. He appeared to know, and flagged down a taxi for us, and told the taxi driver where we wanted to go. all seemed to be going considerably easier than we could have imagined... then the taxi driver pulled over in front of a building right downtown, right across the street from the beach. Mike and I exchanged a wary glance, we paid the taxi fare, and headed into the building. Turns out Mike's Spanish had gotten us to a liquor store!

Undaunted (and a little humored), Mike asked the lady working at the liquor store about the tequila factory. She gave us a sad little nod and told us that there was no tequila factory in Mazatlan. Confused and disappointed, we decided to head over to the Pacifico brewery. This time the taxi ride was easy, and uneventful. We arrived at the Pacifico brewery without any trouble. Once there, however, we learned that we had to schedule a tour in advance, and that the next time available would be on Friday. So we booked a tour for Friday, and headed back to the beach where we started. We hit up one of our favorite little restaurants for a cerveza. We thought we might as well end the adventure with a beer.

While at the restaurant, I convinced Mike that I was sure I had seen online that you could visit a tequila distillery in Mazatlan, and had him ask our friendly waiter about it. (visiting the friendly waiter was actually why we liked that particular restaurant - he was a really nice guy!)... so Mike asked, and our waiter told us that we could indeed visit Los Osuna, a tequila distillery to the north. I believe it is a bit outside of Mazatlan, which perhaps explains why the liquor store worker didn't think to tell us about it. Our waiter proceeded to tell us that we could go down the street a couple of doors to a travel agency and book a tour. He told us that would be the best/cheapest way to get there. We thanked him, and did exactly that after the our afternoon cerveza.

our tour for the tequila distillery was set for Thursday, however, when Mike woke up that morning he wasn't feeling well. He had eaten something the previous day that gave him stomach trouble. We had both really been looking forward to seeing how tequila is made, and so I didn't want to go without him. I went downstairs to try to phone the tour company to reschedule our tour, but the office wasn't open yet. Our wonderful hotel host offered to continue calling for us, and to reschedule the tour for us so I wouldn't have to spend my morning on the phone. I asked him to try to reschedule it for Saturday for us. It was really very sweet of him. Mike spent the day recovering at the hotel, and I wandered around exploring the old section of Mazatlan, and relaxed by the pool with a good book.

After a late breakfast on Friday, we headed back over to the Pacifico brewery for our tour. Another group was scheduled to take the tour with us, but didn't show up. We ended up taking a private tour of the brewery! The tour was awesome! I've been on brewery tours in the US before, but it was a whole different experience in Mexico. They allow you to get a lot closer to the factory workers (close enough to touch the bottles on the conveyer belts if you really felt like it!). I highly recommend trying to take a brewery tour if you find yourself in Mexico!

After breakfast on Saturday, we headed back over to the travel agency to make sure we were in the right spot to meet our tour guide. The travel agent informed us that our tour had been canceled for that day, and that we could reschedule for Monday if we wanted (except we were scheduled to fly home on Sunday). Totally disappointed, we went to do a little shopping. Then Mike flagged down a taxi driver and asked him if he knew where we could do a zipline canopy tour. He sure did! He told us we could do one out of the city a bit, to the north - AT THE TEQUILA FACTORY! Jose was one crazy driver, but we were happy to hire him for the day. Not only did we finally get to do the tour of the tequila factory, but we also got to do another great zipline canopy tour!

Spanish Mike's quest for tequila really did turn out to be an adventure!

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